The Behavior Place

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What is FBA/BIP?

What is a FBA & BIP?

A FBA is a Functional Behavior Assessment. A FBA is an assessment that may be completed by the BCBA. An FBA has several parts. Identifying and defining the target behavior. Identifying antecedents and consequences (what’s happening before and after the target behavior?). Identifying a hypothesis of the function of the behavior (how is the behavior serving the individual?). Collecting data to confirm or refute the proposed function.

A BIP is a Behavior Intervention Plan. A BIP typically comes after an FBA. It will have all of the individual's target behaviors listed and defined. It should have preventative strategies (antecedent interventions) in addition to consequence interventions (responding after the behavior has occurred). A BIP makes sure that each professional working with the individual is using the same antecedent and consequence interventions.